The Secret to Creating a Killer Brand Voice
Do you approach creating a brand voice like you’d approach the creation of a fictional character for a book or a movie?
I do.
I have worked to create brands and social media strategies for companies from scratch many times over the years. When I start working for them, I have a questionnaire that I send out that asks in-depth questions about the brand’s personality.
Why do I do that?
Because creating a voice for a brand is almost the same as creating a fictional character for a novel.
1. They both need motives
You have to determine what the person/brand would say in a given situation and why.
2. They both need a personality
Are they funny? Sad? Annoying? Deciding the personality has a huge influence on actions and dialogue (aka, posts and comments).
3. They both need aspirations
Who do they want to be and how do they get there?
That’s why you have to understand a brand in the same way that you would know a character you were writing into a story.
And just as a character without a back story appears shallow to the readers, a brand…